jeudi 29 août 2013

What is Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a framework of open source JavaScript developed by the team at Twitter. It is a combination of HTML , CSS and JavaScript designed to help build the components of the user interface . Bootstrap has been programmed to support both HTML5 and CSS3 .

What is included with Bootstrap ? 

If you need to download boot , you will find that this includes CSS , JavaScript , images. Here's a sample of the files included :

css :
-bootstrap- responsive.css
-bootstrap- responsive.min.css

  -glyphicons - halflings.png
 -glyphicons - Medium - white.png
JS :
Twitter Bootstrap is very good.

Twitter Bootstrap: Bootstra from Twitter is a toolkit designed to encourage the development of Web applications and Web sites. It includes basic CSS and HTML layout, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and so on.

This problem? Many topics do not allow you to easily add custom CSS file. Even though some of them! Therefore, we have different ways, into the first Chief of CSS HTML elements. Therefore, no other CSS prevents First you can be sure that these startup files, can be used as a base / CSS reset.

CSS is only part of the solution. Twitter boot Javascript library, you must also complete CSS guide. They can add to your site, add a title to your website - By default, adding the ability of the body.

We hope to have the opportunity to include alternative YUI "reset.css" and "normalize.css." These two functions necessary start, but lighter.

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